Compare the Source Devices of the Images by PRNU Noise Analysis

Please provide two images for the purpose of extracting and conducting a comparative analysis of their camera sensor pattern noise. Employing the Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) as the fundamental characteristic, the images will undergo assessment utilizing the Peak-to-Correlation Energy (PCE) as the metric for similarity.

When the PCE exceeds a threshold of 100, it implies a significant likelihood that the source devices of the queried images are identical. Furthermore, an elevated PCE value signifies an increased probability that the queried images originate from a common source.

The peak metric denotes the matching position of the noise patterns in the input images. A value of 0,0 indicates aligned noise patterns without any translation.

Source Camera Similarity:

Analysis Duration:
Peak Correlation Location:
You can analyze your photos in that page.
To analyze PRNU noise, we may crop or resize your photos to a maximum of 1200 x 1200 pixels if they are larger.